Monday, October 25, 2010

the last few days...

lol ok so I went with Alex and Marky to see Jackass 3D......soooooo funny! you have to go see it!!! We didn't do a whole lot else over the weekend unfortunately. We went to see the movie on Friday night and then Saturday I went to a baby shower with my mom for my oldest (not the oldest but the one i've had the longest lol) friend. She is having a boy and we all know i have a butt load of hand me downs! ahahaha anyway then Sunday, We slept almost the entire day lol. But my friend Dustin came and kicked it Saturday night and most of Sunday. That was fun! hahaha right now I'm watching some cartoons with the kids and later Mackie has a doctors appointment to get more X-Rays taken of his ankle and heel. Cause when we were at the park a couple of weeks ago he hurt it going down a HUGE slide (his shoe caught on the metal). So I will update again soon...See ya!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mac and cheese

Mackie (Malcolm Alexander Joseph Espinosa) Almost Two Years old!

Tally wag

Talen On His third Birthday!

Yea.....well....It's been forever I know!!! But here is second baby. He was Born on Oct. 31st 2008. He is about to turn 2! The video is of him at 7months and I will post something recent of both the boys.

As for the last two years.....sorry :( We have been really busy, busy, busy! Now I have a facebook, twitter, and a digg look me up!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well, I am due in 3 days and if it doesn't happen naturally by then they are going to induce. Fun, Fun, Fun! lol.

Over the weekend we went to a Halloween parade in the Capitola Village, we dressed Talen up in his costume and we marched through the village. It was really cute to see all the little kids in their tiny costumes. I loved it.

Then last night we carved our pumpkin. Talen's first one! he had fun at the pumpkin patch and at the parade. He was so cute!

Anyway, I don't think there will be any new news until after the weekend, so enjoy the week and weekend and my next update will be after the baby's born!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just a Hello!

Hey ALL!

Well, we went to my Uncle's wedding, it was really nice and fun! I loved my "aunt's" dress, it was so beautiful.

I am so excite that my due date is only 31 days away! thank goodness, cause I can't handle being pregnant and sore anymore.

Talen is walking like crazy and our house is slowly and surely getting put together, bit by bit. Alex is as always busy, busy, busy.

So that's the short and sweet update.

Have a good one!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A long and painless update!

Hey All!

How are things? (like you are going to answer or something) Well, My beautiful baby boy Talen is now a year old!!!! Yea! It makes me sad to think he's such a big boy now.

On that note as well, I have the strange feeling that when Talen comes to meet his baby brother in the hospital (after I get to that point) I am going to break down in tears. My little guy, wont be the little guy anymore. Poor baby. It's going to be sad to do that to him. He's already grown up so much that I'm afraid that he will have to grow up that much faster, having to be a big brother all of a sudden. :(

Anyway, I can't believe we are getting so close to the wire (due date). It feels like 44 days isn't very long. At least not compared to the amount of time we, I mean, I have already endured. Considering I have been pregnant for practically two years straight. Lame. But so worth it in the end, when you get to look into those little baby eyes, and you just know that they will look up to you and love you unconditionally for the rest of your life.

Look at me getting all emotional and stuff. I sure am pregnant aren't I. lol.

Well, what else can I say . . . . . Alex and I were homeless for about a month and then finally got into a wonderful two bedroom place in beautiful Scotts Valley! I love it here and we have a pool and Talen has his own room and our kitchen has counter space, and cabinet space and we have a dining room. I love it so much, but we are still in the process of getting things cleaned up and unpacked. oh well, it's all worth it!

Alex is thinking about joining the electrical union, and he wants to buy another car so he has a work vehicle. But it will be worth it in the end, because he will be making much more money. But it's all just talk still, no plans set in motion or anything.

We have a wedding to go to this Saturday, my uncle Theron and is gal Cassie, and I still can't find anything to wear! I can't believe how hard it is to find something to wear to a wedding. Lame. I just want a nice dress or a cute skirt and shirt. Oh well, I'm sure I will find something in time for the wedding. I got Talen a really cute pair of light blue denim jeans, and a button up plaid long sleeve. We are going to roll up the sleeves. It will be adorable!

Well, I can't think of anything else to say right now but, now that we have our own place again I will be updating more frequently. So on that note my final words to you today are . . . . . I am looking forward to having another baby, getting settled into our new place and all the other exciting things that life has to offer, update ya again soon, unless I go into labor. lol.