Tuesday, February 19, 2008

just another one......

Hey all!

What a lame week I've had. lol. Joking, I've had a really busy on though.

I got a used car that we bought for $900.00, and Alex has been trying to spend a lot more time with me and baby. Britnee is starting her labor process, and we have been trying to get all the baby shower details in order.

The baby is still not adjusting to the time with Morgan, but there isn't anything I can do about that. And I finally found out what's going on with my child support. They just opened my case. Yeah!

Anyway. The baby is getting big and it makes me want another one. But it's never going to happen, and we are looking at homes to buy.

Yesterday Alex bought me a spice rack, and some pillows for the couches. I love them. I'm so lucky to have him, and he spoils the baby and I rotten.

We have just been taking full advantage of the fact we can get around town, it's great. The baby is so close to crawling. I can't wait until he does, then I wont have to spend all my time trying to entertain him. But I will have to spend all my time chasing him around the house to make sure he doesn't get into anything that could hurt him. I just want to have a normal schedule with the baby and everything, but I can't because, we don't have a normal life or situation. We will get used to it eventually. I guess.

Anyway, yesterday we were going to get a kitten but the animal shelter wasn't open, so drove all the way from Scotts Valley to Watsonville to target to look at couch pillows, and then didn't find anything that we liked so the we went to bed bath and beyond and found really cute pillows and got a spice rack and a pour bottle thing for oil, and a spatula holder, and we had dinner. I made pot roast in the slow cooker. It wasn't too bad. I did good. lol.

The houses we've been looking at are foreclosed homes, that we would be taking over mortgage payments on. They are really nice and affordable. We, without any real credit on our side can afford a three or four bedroom.

Our car is a Subaru Legacy. It's not nice or anything but it's in really good shape and will last forever. It's great. Especially for $900, you know!?

I know I'm completely all over the place with my thoughts so this really isn't very easy to read.

Anyway, nothing else new has really happened but, Alex's birthday is coming up, I'm really excited for easter, and Britnee's baby!

If I come up with more interesting things to say I will post again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Sorry about the tittle I was feeling a little fun. That's just my crazy way of saying WONDERFUL! I'm just having fun today, a little crazy you know?
Sorry that I haven't been writing but my son got sick and then I got sick and well, there hasn't been much happening. I've just been cleaning up a lot of vomit and pooh. icky! But we are starting to do much better. Thank goodness.
I have discovered that Talen has an allergy to cows milk. So he is now on a soy diet. Like he can really tell the difference at this age, other than having to vomit less and not having a rash all over his body. So he is much happier.
We got our car back and are getting ready to try and trade it in to get something more reliable that doesn't cost so much in gas and that doesn't make me want to pull all my hair out.
Alex starts softball again tomorrow at six. I am happy because he hasn't had an out-lit for himself in a while and he needs it.
Talen is starting to get adjusted to the new schedule with Morgan and at he end of the month it changes again, not by much but still. It shouldn't be too hard for him, but for me on the other hand. Oh well, what can you do huh?
My birthday is on Thursday!!!!! I'm turning 23. On Friday night we are going to diner at my dad and Mel's, to celebrate my sister (Britnee) turning 21 (the 17th), and my birthdays! Then on Saturday we are going out to diner with my friend Jody, her husband Josh and their son, and Talen's best friend, Reilly. (Reilly is only nine days younger than Talen.) To celebrate by birthday with my little family and my best friend and her little family.
Jody and Josh are our best friends. Jody is almost exactly like me, we have a lot in common I mean, and Josh and Alex play softball together and they both like to surf and skate and stuff like that. And our kids are so close together in age that it makes it really nice to hang out.
Anyway, that's about all.