Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well, I am due in 3 days and if it doesn't happen naturally by then they are going to induce. Fun, Fun, Fun! lol.

Over the weekend we went to a Halloween parade in the Capitola Village, we dressed Talen up in his costume and we marched through the village. It was really cute to see all the little kids in their tiny costumes. I loved it.

Then last night we carved our pumpkin. Talen's first one! he had fun at the pumpkin patch and at the parade. He was so cute!

Anyway, I don't think there will be any new news until after the weekend, so enjoy the week and weekend and my next update will be after the baby's born!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just a Hello!

Hey ALL!

Well, we went to my Uncle's wedding, it was really nice and fun! I loved my "aunt's" dress, it was so beautiful.

I am so excite that my due date is only 31 days away! thank goodness, cause I can't handle being pregnant and sore anymore.

Talen is walking like crazy and our house is slowly and surely getting put together, bit by bit. Alex is as always busy, busy, busy.

So that's the short and sweet update.

Have a good one!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A long and painless update!

Hey All!

How are things? (like you are going to answer or something) Well, My beautiful baby boy Talen is now a year old!!!! Yea! It makes me sad to think he's such a big boy now.

On that note as well, I have the strange feeling that when Talen comes to meet his baby brother in the hospital (after I get to that point) I am going to break down in tears. My little guy, wont be the little guy anymore. Poor baby. It's going to be sad to do that to him. He's already grown up so much that I'm afraid that he will have to grow up that much faster, having to be a big brother all of a sudden. :(

Anyway, I can't believe we are getting so close to the wire (due date). It feels like 44 days isn't very long. At least not compared to the amount of time we, I mean, I have already endured. Considering I have been pregnant for practically two years straight. Lame. But so worth it in the end, when you get to look into those little baby eyes, and you just know that they will look up to you and love you unconditionally for the rest of your life.

Look at me getting all emotional and stuff. I sure am pregnant aren't I. lol.

Well, what else can I say . . . . . Alex and I were homeless for about a month and then finally got into a wonderful two bedroom place in beautiful Scotts Valley! I love it here and we have a pool and Talen has his own room and our kitchen has counter space, and cabinet space and we have a dining room. I love it so much, but we are still in the process of getting things cleaned up and unpacked. oh well, it's all worth it!

Alex is thinking about joining the electrical union, and he wants to buy another car so he has a work vehicle. But it will be worth it in the end, because he will be making much more money. But it's all just talk still, no plans set in motion or anything.

We have a wedding to go to this Saturday, my uncle Theron and is gal Cassie, and I still can't find anything to wear! I can't believe how hard it is to find something to wear to a wedding. Lame. I just want a nice dress or a cute skirt and shirt. Oh well, I'm sure I will find something in time for the wedding. I got Talen a really cute pair of light blue denim jeans, and a button up plaid long sleeve. We are going to roll up the sleeves. It will be adorable!

Well, I can't think of anything else to say right now but, now that we have our own place again I will be updating more frequently. So on that note my final words to you today are . . . . . I am looking forward to having another baby, getting settled into our new place and all the other exciting things that life has to offer, update ya again soon, unless I go into labor. lol.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

I'm having another baby boy!!!! I'm excited, I don't know why I just all of a sudden am even more excited about this than I was before! It's funny how things work like that. Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know it's a BOY!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


A lot has happened since the last time I was on here!

Alex and I having another baby, So far we are only about thirteen weeks into the pregnancy. I haven't gained much weight at all yet, thank goodness because I didn't get a chance to loose my baby weight from having Talen.

Speaking of little Talen, he's getting so big so fast. He is starting to crawl around like crazy, and he's constantly yelling DA DA DA DA DA. He's eating just about anything I give him except for rice cereal but what baby likes that boring unflavored stuff right, and he loves seeing people. He's a big flirt, and such a good boy.

These days I have been spending most of my time sitting around playing with Talen, or running around town doing chores, or hanging out with my friend Jody and her baby Reilly. I also spend a lot of time laying down because the morning sickness is an all day event for me.

Alex and I are thinking of setting a wedding date, we have almost decided on April seventeenth or eighteenth of next year. We want it to be just close friends and of course our family. Which unfortunately isn't a whole lot for poor Alex. I haven't decided yet but I think I might wear black at my wedding and have the brides maids and grooms men wear white. Just for a change of pace, ya know. Anyway you tell me what you think about it.

Well on that note, I am going to go but I will update again soon because I don't have a myspace anymore. I will also be leaving a counter for the countdown of my pregnancy for anyone that's interested.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

just another one......

Hey all!

What a lame week I've had. lol. Joking, I've had a really busy on though.

I got a used car that we bought for $900.00, and Alex has been trying to spend a lot more time with me and baby. Britnee is starting her labor process, and we have been trying to get all the baby shower details in order.

The baby is still not adjusting to the time with Morgan, but there isn't anything I can do about that. And I finally found out what's going on with my child support. They just opened my case. Yeah!

Anyway. The baby is getting big and it makes me want another one. But it's never going to happen, and we are looking at homes to buy.

Yesterday Alex bought me a spice rack, and some pillows for the couches. I love them. I'm so lucky to have him, and he spoils the baby and I rotten.

We have just been taking full advantage of the fact we can get around town, it's great. The baby is so close to crawling. I can't wait until he does, then I wont have to spend all my time trying to entertain him. But I will have to spend all my time chasing him around the house to make sure he doesn't get into anything that could hurt him. I just want to have a normal schedule with the baby and everything, but I can't because, we don't have a normal life or situation. We will get used to it eventually. I guess.

Anyway, yesterday we were going to get a kitten but the animal shelter wasn't open, so drove all the way from Scotts Valley to Watsonville to target to look at couch pillows, and then didn't find anything that we liked so the we went to bed bath and beyond and found really cute pillows and got a spice rack and a pour bottle thing for oil, and a spatula holder, and we had dinner. I made pot roast in the slow cooker. It wasn't too bad. I did good. lol.

The houses we've been looking at are foreclosed homes, that we would be taking over mortgage payments on. They are really nice and affordable. We, without any real credit on our side can afford a three or four bedroom.

Our car is a Subaru Legacy. It's not nice or anything but it's in really good shape and will last forever. It's great. Especially for $900, you know!?

I know I'm completely all over the place with my thoughts so this really isn't very easy to read.

Anyway, nothing else new has really happened but, Alex's birthday is coming up, I'm really excited for easter, and Britnee's baby!

If I come up with more interesting things to say I will post again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Sorry about the tittle I was feeling a little fun. That's just my crazy way of saying WONDERFUL! I'm just having fun today, a little crazy you know?
Sorry that I haven't been writing but my son got sick and then I got sick and well, there hasn't been much happening. I've just been cleaning up a lot of vomit and pooh. icky! But we are starting to do much better. Thank goodness.
I have discovered that Talen has an allergy to cows milk. So he is now on a soy diet. Like he can really tell the difference at this age, other than having to vomit less and not having a rash all over his body. So he is much happier.
We got our car back and are getting ready to try and trade it in to get something more reliable that doesn't cost so much in gas and that doesn't make me want to pull all my hair out.
Alex starts softball again tomorrow at six. I am happy because he hasn't had an out-lit for himself in a while and he needs it.
Talen is starting to get adjusted to the new schedule with Morgan and at he end of the month it changes again, not by much but still. It shouldn't be too hard for him, but for me on the other hand. Oh well, what can you do huh?
My birthday is on Thursday!!!!! I'm turning 23. On Friday night we are going to diner at my dad and Mel's, to celebrate my sister (Britnee) turning 21 (the 17th), and my birthdays! Then on Saturday we are going out to diner with my friend Jody, her husband Josh and their son, and Talen's best friend, Reilly. (Reilly is only nine days younger than Talen.) To celebrate by birthday with my little family and my best friend and her little family.
Jody and Josh are our best friends. Jody is almost exactly like me, we have a lot in common I mean, and Josh and Alex play softball together and they both like to surf and skate and stuff like that. And our kids are so close together in age that it makes it really nice to hang out.
Anyway, that's about all.

Friday, January 18, 2008

F A B U L O U S !

I know, it sounded stupid. But, I was really happy the last week despite the lack of sleep I have been getting. Talen has been so good and I am going to get him a present for it. I had a good night Friday, My family is going to help us with our car and I couldn't be more thrilled considering how trapped and cabin feverish I have been. My dad's birthday was on Monday and we got together for dinner, the whole family, on Sunday. I love when we all get together, it's always nice to see everyone. I am just talking about my dad, My step-mom Mel, and all my brothers and sisters, all six of us and our two boyfriends. Plus our kids, all two. So it was really nice. Then the last few days have been pretty normal and boring. Have you ever seen the movie LOVERBOY with Kyra Sedgewich? It's really weird but it's actually a pretty good movie. This is the.....Full Synopsis:

A mother once neglected as child but possessed of a heart overflowing with love grows increasingly despondent as her beloved child begins to claim his independence in director Kevin Bacon's adaptation of Victoria Redel's best-selling novel. If loving too much were a crime, well-meaning but overbearing mother Emily (Kyra Sedgwick) would be spending life behind bars with no hope of parole. When Emily was a child, her parents were deeply in love with one another but tragically indifferent to their affection-starved daughter. Now a grown adult with a deep-rooted desire to bear a child, Emily goes to desperate lengths to conceive before eventually giving birth to an exceptionally gifted boy whom she names Paul. Emily's devotion to Paul burns brighter than a thousand suns as she creates a wondrous world of books, music, art, and games to share with her growing child, but her ever more desperate attempts to preserve the purity of their relationship reach a frantic fever pitch as a kindhearted local man opens his life to the pair and Paul prepares for his first year of school. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

If you haven't seen it and it sounds interesting you should go rent it or something. I am a bit of a movie freak.

Anyway, Today I went to breakfast with my friend Mandy at the red apple cafe. I really like the food there. We came back to my house and we watched t.v until the baby got home at two. That's been my day, I know not the most exciting.

I am trying to throw a baby shower for my younger sister, and I need some ideas, like games decorating, invitations, etc. she's having a boy. I just want it to be fun and a little different, and by different I mean unique. So if you have any fun ideas let me know please. I could use any help I can get.

Do you ever think the world has some strange plan or design already pre-selected for each person, starting the day you're born and ending the day your soul leaves the earth? I am starting to think it might be true. Everything happens for a reason, so I'm hoping that all the bad stuff that has been happening in our life just means that something great is going to happen for us soon. For our sake, please direct all your positive energy toward us. Thank you and have a good day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

terrible tuesday!!

Okay, so I had a really long day! As you probably could have told by my post title. I found out that my car is going to take a lot of work to get it fixed. I had to wake up extra early to drop it off at the auto body shop and then found out that it's worse than I had hoped. Then I had to let my evil ex take my poor baby from me. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning and rearranging the living room. And I still don't feel like I got much of anything accomplished. I am probably not giving myself enough credit for all that I got done. Then when Talen got home He was freaking out, screaming and crying and just having a serious melt down. Then when I finally got him to sleep, I found myself a little bored and I found that a little weird. Then on top of that Alex has school tonight and wont be home until around ten. So, I am going to be not only bored, but tired and sore all by myself. Oh well.
Do you have a t.v show that you are hopelessly addicted to? One that you run home to watch once a week no matter what you are in the middle of? I do too! I hate admitting it, I have to watch One tree hill, every week, and the new season just started last week and it's sooooo good already. Plus I also watch Gossip Girl and I can't wait for the new season of LOST to start! And I like to watch House but that season just ended. I watch way too much t.v don't I?

Monday, January 14, 2008

melonclolly monday

I'm just sitting around at my mom's with my sister and our kids. I'm really bored and finally got Talen to sleep. It was really nice to get out of the house for a change but I know that there were plenty of things I should be doing that I am not. But Mondays are just the one day out of the week that nobody wants to do anything. That's why everybody hates them so much.
It's crazy to see how big my sister Britnee's belly is getting and how grown up my little niece is becoming. It is so crazy how fast time goes by, it seems like it was just yesterday that Carley was born, and it also seems like it wasn't that long ago that Britnee and I were running around town causing all kinds of trouble. I feel like I could blink and my Talen will be all grown up. That's a scary thought.
Anyway, today I went to the park with my mom and my sister Britnee. It was a really nice day for the bulk of the day that is. We had fun running around with the little ones. I am not looking forward to making dinner but I know how good it makes me feel after I get a meal done. So it's worth it.
In a side thought, has anyone ever heard of someone getting pregnant while on the birth control pill? I know I'm just being paranoid because there isn't any signs that I could be but I keep freaking out, I mean I just had a baby and I am no where near ready to go through all that again. Then again....No I'm joking. I don't even know why I keep thinking about it, there isn't any reason for it. Like I said, I'm just being paranoid. But still let me know if you have heard of it happening, because then I will have to figure out some other form of birth control.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

my wonderful sunday!

Just sitting around at the house, again! I really hate being so stuck, I mean I know I chose my life and don't get me wrong I love it, at least most of it. I just have my stupid POS car that over heats when you drive more than a mile and that makes it really hard to get out of the house and do anything. So, like I said before I hate being trapped in my house. I have spent the better part of the week inside, and I am starting to get cabin fever. The baby doesn't seem to behave for me but is just fine for everybody else, which is also understandable, he spends almost all his time with me. But I start to feel like I need help. My boyfriend Alex works all week, he leaves at six in the morning and gets home at six or six-thirty at night, so we hardly see each other and he has been working every weekend for the last month just so that we can afford things like our bills and food and things for the baby. I don't know what to do, I keep getting pushed aside at the child support office and I need somebody that knows what they are doing to help me. The problem is I don't know anyone that can seem to help me out in this general area. I don't know anyone that will help me in any area of these custody or child support things. So I feel alone, stranded, and again stuck. Plus my house is starting to get to me, not just the being stuck in it thing, but the fact my son won't let me put him down long enough to get anything accomplished. My laundry is piling up again, and my dishes get behind, and I have to figure out how to get the living room put together properly. Anyway, I just keep telling myself the same thing I always have, God has a plan and he will guide me down the right path. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to in the end. Do you ever feel like your world is caving in on you or all around you. If you have just know, it will get better, it always seems to find away of doing so when you least expect it.