Sunday, January 13, 2008

my wonderful sunday!

Just sitting around at the house, again! I really hate being so stuck, I mean I know I chose my life and don't get me wrong I love it, at least most of it. I just have my stupid POS car that over heats when you drive more than a mile and that makes it really hard to get out of the house and do anything. So, like I said before I hate being trapped in my house. I have spent the better part of the week inside, and I am starting to get cabin fever. The baby doesn't seem to behave for me but is just fine for everybody else, which is also understandable, he spends almost all his time with me. But I start to feel like I need help. My boyfriend Alex works all week, he leaves at six in the morning and gets home at six or six-thirty at night, so we hardly see each other and he has been working every weekend for the last month just so that we can afford things like our bills and food and things for the baby. I don't know what to do, I keep getting pushed aside at the child support office and I need somebody that knows what they are doing to help me. The problem is I don't know anyone that can seem to help me out in this general area. I don't know anyone that will help me in any area of these custody or child support things. So I feel alone, stranded, and again stuck. Plus my house is starting to get to me, not just the being stuck in it thing, but the fact my son won't let me put him down long enough to get anything accomplished. My laundry is piling up again, and my dishes get behind, and I have to figure out how to get the living room put together properly. Anyway, I just keep telling myself the same thing I always have, God has a plan and he will guide me down the right path. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to in the end. Do you ever feel like your world is caving in on you or all around you. If you have just know, it will get better, it always seems to find away of doing so when you least expect it.

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