Tuesday, January 15, 2008

terrible tuesday!!

Okay, so I had a really long day! As you probably could have told by my post title. I found out that my car is going to take a lot of work to get it fixed. I had to wake up extra early to drop it off at the auto body shop and then found out that it's worse than I had hoped. Then I had to let my evil ex take my poor baby from me. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning and rearranging the living room. And I still don't feel like I got much of anything accomplished. I am probably not giving myself enough credit for all that I got done. Then when Talen got home He was freaking out, screaming and crying and just having a serious melt down. Then when I finally got him to sleep, I found myself a little bored and I found that a little weird. Then on top of that Alex has school tonight and wont be home until around ten. So, I am going to be not only bored, but tired and sore all by myself. Oh well.
Do you have a t.v show that you are hopelessly addicted to? One that you run home to watch once a week no matter what you are in the middle of? I do too! I hate admitting it, I have to watch One tree hill, every week, and the new season just started last week and it's sooooo good already. Plus I also watch Gossip Girl and I can't wait for the new season of LOST to start! And I like to watch House but that season just ended. I watch way too much t.v don't I?

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