Monday, January 14, 2008

melonclolly monday

I'm just sitting around at my mom's with my sister and our kids. I'm really bored and finally got Talen to sleep. It was really nice to get out of the house for a change but I know that there were plenty of things I should be doing that I am not. But Mondays are just the one day out of the week that nobody wants to do anything. That's why everybody hates them so much.
It's crazy to see how big my sister Britnee's belly is getting and how grown up my little niece is becoming. It is so crazy how fast time goes by, it seems like it was just yesterday that Carley was born, and it also seems like it wasn't that long ago that Britnee and I were running around town causing all kinds of trouble. I feel like I could blink and my Talen will be all grown up. That's a scary thought.
Anyway, today I went to the park with my mom and my sister Britnee. It was a really nice day for the bulk of the day that is. We had fun running around with the little ones. I am not looking forward to making dinner but I know how good it makes me feel after I get a meal done. So it's worth it.
In a side thought, has anyone ever heard of someone getting pregnant while on the birth control pill? I know I'm just being paranoid because there isn't any signs that I could be but I keep freaking out, I mean I just had a baby and I am no where near ready to go through all that again. Then again....No I'm joking. I don't even know why I keep thinking about it, there isn't any reason for it. Like I said, I'm just being paranoid. But still let me know if you have heard of it happening, because then I will have to figure out some other form of birth control.

1 comment:

T Miller said...

Good post Margaux. Way more positive that the first one. I'm not sure about getting pregnant while on birth control. If your late you should probably check with a home test.